

Silenced for years...

Relegated to the fringes of society

Ignored and excluded for centuries

Now, we live on the peripheries.

Oh! Oppression...

Your hands are raising

Everywhere...we're denied freedom

Yes! We are the untouchable ones!!

Years of struggles, sorrows, and tears...

Shattered our voice

Scattered our lives.

Oh! that experience of discrimination,

burned our body and soul.

Failed to withstand,

the burning heat of your wrath

We jumped into the sea of oblivion.

For years, we lived without any trace.

Marginalized in every sphere

Subjugated in the name of,

dark color, inferior caste,

 race and gender.

You called us outcasts.

We can't bear this injustice anymore...

We will take our ink-dipped swords.

Speak out our truths

Write our stories

A way to mark our discontent.



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