
A Way To Lost Thoughts...

  Dear, It's hard to dig deep  and find the thoughts lost in despair... When mind becomes blurred, to clear the vision Outpour the dark clouds that surround your heart Breathe out all the toxic air Breathe in the air of hope And reignite the spark in your eyes All the things you had once lost... Are not lost forever When the clouds of Chaos move out You will definitely find a way to lost thoughts...

Stains of Stigma

  Once a wandered, a weary soul was I Too lost in the airless spaces With a tiny wavering heart, I searched for lost thoughts. Alas! My realm sunk in the dreary ocean  Unable to breathe under the starry sky Little by little, it disappeared. From the far edges of psyche,  Now, a vague image can be seen. A terrified isolated cry was echoed Poor soul, too tired of the prejudices It's your fault, it's your fault! Words clung to the deep core. Stained with stigma Unable to utter Soul drained, body collapsed A great turmoil, A dark abyss!

Fragmented Piece of Word

  The unspeakable moments... The unspeakable truth The self shattered and fragmented... The words dissolved deep in her heart And she terribly uttered a fragmented piece of word Buried piece of fragmented word created greater chaos and agony inside The unspeakable moments created an unspeakable truth The unspeakable truth created an untold story Untold story fragmented into pieces of words... In the end, her heart witnessed the story of that fragmented piece of word.


  Oh, this brooding darkness is creeping everywhere. with lurking fears, I'm ravaged to pieces. amidst worries, I became more and more anxious. While in the chaotic circle of panic attacks, I shrieked inside and lost to infinity.


  Weeping near the desolate valley I found no one to console Overflowing tears and blurred vision Now, at the edge of helplessness. Like an abandoned soul, life moves Without an ashore to take dwelling. And the very thought of existence, Reflected the homeless heart.

Life Journeys

  At every juncture, you have to choose your way At every crossroad, you have to take your turn At every crucial moment,  you have to take your decision After every heartbreak, you have to move on After every failure, you have to let it go Life is a cycle of journeys You can't cling to a particular path When one journey ends, other begins. When one cycle ends, other starts From birth to death, cycle of life repeats Some journeys end painful Some are hopeful Some are delightful A journey to the interior is must to find the real you Choose your path, and dare to begin the journey It will make a huge change in life and you will never be the same.


  Silenced for years... Relegated to the fringes of society Ignored and excluded for centuries Now, we live on the peripheries. Oh! Oppression... Your hands are raising Everywhere...we're denied freedom Yes! We are the untouchable ones!! Years of struggles, sorrows, and tears... Shattered our voice Scattered our lives. Oh! that experience of discrimination, burned our body and soul. Failed to withstand, the burning heat of your wrath We jumped into the sea of oblivion. For years, we lived without any trace. Marginalized in every sphere Subjugated in the name of, dark color, inferior caste,  race and gender. You called us outcasts. We can't bear this injustice anymore... We will take our ink-dipped swords. Speak out our truths Write our stories A way to mark our discontent.